Cardiology Associates of North MS


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Preventative Care

Cardiology Associates of North Mississippi knows the importance of preventive care in as it plays a crucial role in identifying and addressing risk factors early on, ultimately reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and enhancing overall heart health.

How Our Program Works


A Coronary Calcium Scan is a simple test. You’ll lie quietly in the scanner machine for about five minutes while it takes pictures of your heart.

A coronary calcium scan looks for specks of calcium in the walls of the heart arteries. This indicates early heart disease. One of our doctors will study the pictures to see if you are at risk for future heart problems.

Because calcifications are an early sign of heart artery disease, a coronary calcium scan can show whether you are at risk of heart attack before other signs and symptoms occur

ECG (Electrocardiogram)

A quick and painless test that measures the electrical activity of the beating heart. An electrocardiogram provides two useful types of information.

First, by measuring intervals on the ECG, a cardiologist can determine if the electrical activity of your heart is too fast, too slow, normal or irregular.

The second type of information is gleaned by measuring the amount of electrical activity passing through the heart
muscle and enables the cardiologist to determine if parts of your heart might be too large, overworked or scarred.


The lipid profile can help determine an individual’s risk of heart disease. It is recommended that healthy adults with no other risk factors be tested with a fasting lipid panel once every five years. If other risk factors are present, or if previous testing reveals high cholesterol, more frequent testing is recommended.

A conventional profile consists of: Total cholesterol

HDL (high density lipoprotein, the so called “good cholesterol” believed to transport excess cholesterol out of the blood to the liver for disposal
LDL (low density lipoprotein, the so called “bad cholesterol” transports cholesterol from the liver to the tissues and organs
Triglycerides (sugar and fatty acids)

A detailed description of your results will be mailed to you within three to five business days of completing the screening exam.

For further questions and/or to make an appointment, call us at 662.620.6800.